Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Spirit of Christmas

It's taken me a while to get around to writing this down, but I think I've finally soaked it all in. As just about everyone may know by now I've asked Jamie Madsen to marry me for time and all eternity, and I did this a few days before Christmas. When I did I almost made her cry because she was so overwhelmed with joy. I really felt like it was Christmas at that point in time because we both gave all of ourselves to each other. Commited to each other that we would work together through any and every obstacle that we should face in life. I know that we will still later make a more enhanced commitment to each other but right then and there I think I felt the true spirit of Christmas. Never before have I put myself into a gift like I did that night. I want to thank her for helping me feel that spirit and even more that she said "Yes"! I'm the luckiest guy!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

To break or not to break that is the question.

So many things to do just to get an education.  I've noticed that as I've gone through college so far you need to put a lot of effort into pleasing the professor than really getting something out of it.  Only in a few classes have I felt like I've really learned something.  At the end of the semester there is so much stress in the air that its contagious to everyone surrounding the campus.  My problem has been to regulate my time between work and play.  Lately I've taken to playing more than working. It may be in part to the monster television and Xbox, but it really comes down to managing my time wisely.  I was talking with Jay just yesterday and we talked about moderation in all things.  I think that we do need to moderate between the two.  Work a little, play a little. Work hard, play hard.  That's what I need to do find the balance, my zen...